Games for Conscience

Its Saturday morning, and from my childhood this is still my favorite time, as all I want to do are video games and cartoons! I realized yesterday how much videogames can impact a person.  This could be good, or bad.  Sadly,  I knew a guy who put gaming above all else (family, food, work)… thankfully he eventually got the help he needed.  But there are also the lessons learned for life, about how to be a good person, how the actions you take can change the worlds around you (these thoughts are specific or more for role playing games RPGs).  Zelda especially! In Zelda games you get chances to help npc’s (non playing character) and when you do, there are special bonuses that you get out of the game that you wouldn’t have if you ignored those asking for help.  Another game I love that illustrates   this fact are the Fallout games, where what you choose actually changes the story line.  If you choose to help out the settling town, you are welcomed and trusted and loved.  You can bomb the town and be accepted in to the tower of the elitists who don’t care about the lives of others.
This year marks the ten year anniversary of Fable coming out, and this is another game that changes if the person chooses good or bad.  This is something as a childcare worker that amuses me, as these games, if introduced well, can help a person realize how much their choices impact their surroundings! Example, you choose not to help the sheriff in the beginning of the game get the warrants, the town turns into a poverty strung part of town that is run by prostitution, thieves, murderers and drunks.  You help out, the town is a place that anyone can hope to live in.
Yes, video games can be looked upon as a waste of time spent doing something in a pixilated world that doesn’t really exist once you hit the power button, but those memories, those life lessons will stick with the person, and hopefully can show them a great deal about how life can really be! Go have fun, and if your an Xbox 360 gold member, go and enjoy some fable for the anniversary this year!

Oh Fun, mess with the sickie!


I have been dealing with very painful ulcers, and the pain has been so bad that I have been unaware of situations around me.  For example, at night time I would lay out the dog food, turn of the living room lights, bring my phone to …. somewhere, brush my teeth, wash my face, then look for my phone so I may plug it in for the night.

The first time my husband giggled away, for I had brought it to the bedroom without even thinking about it! Well the next night, same thing, dog food, lights, teeth, face… where’s my phone? Husband giggles, for there it is lying on the bed again! I do not recall where I put it, or when but apparently it ended up on my bed! This happened the next night and the next.

Well finally my medication for the ulcers have been kicking in, and last night I was able to saunter to lay out the dog food, put my phone on the bathroom counter, brush my teeth, wash my face, go turn off the lights, go to grab my phone and its not there… then it hits me! My husband had been bringing the phone the past three nights to see if I would notice or see if he could mess with my pain exhausted mind! Needless to say, he ran giggling under the covers knowing he had been caught but not caring none the less 😛 At least I got a good giggle out of it now that  I am feeling better!

POP Goes the weasel!

First note, I make homemade wine.  Second note, I make homemade wine from scratch! I love it, its a mixing, patient trade that leaves you with either great results, or funny mistakes. 

My first mistake.  When I was making my first batch, I didn’t add enough water, my level wasn’t high enough, and I got a really rhubarb style of vinegar.  My favorite moment was when I realized it tasted like wine, and my husband tried, disbelieving me, takes a huge mouthful… needless to say, the look on his face was priceless.

My latest mishap, was quite explosive.  I came home, and found the entrance smelt like beer. Or something with yeast….

I think nothing of it, and carry on with my lunch break.  My husband goes down stairs to check on our leak from the snow melt and starts exclaiming “what is purple all down the hallway?”

Needless to say, with the Chinook (warm wind) that had come through with a vengeance, and a huge pressure change.  This caused one of my last batches bottled (blueberry) to have a bottle that wasn’t quite tight enough to burst open.  The cork was lost under the freezer, the spray was launched a traveled over 15 feet, and it seemed all the wet was over the other carboids of wine.  I was just amused as I found this out, instead of upset, because I have only heard of this happening, never seen it. 

So, my lesson here, do not reuse twist off wine bottles, as they are not tight enough for the corks.  Second note, keep an eye on bottled beverages when pressure changes occur!

Time keeps clicking

Have you ever just wish to fast forward, to when you get that promotion, to when you get married, to having that family, to retirement.  I realized today then when wishing ahead, you maybe can miss the important parts that tend to clinch it all. A dear friend once told me that I need to enjoy those moments, those breaths and those sweet instances that weigh more than the accomplishments we strive for.

I wont get into the situation(as it wont make as much sense, like describing child care to an oil field worker), but it was one of the jump on the table moments! The co-worker in the room laughed because she thought that I was ready to dance out the room. Those are the moments you wish to hold on to! So please, with all the new years resolutions that people wish to be ahead, different and accomplishments, don’t forget about those accomplishing moments 🙂
